Invited and moderated by Zach Hornfeld
Leonardo Schlögel Bueno, PhD is a Brazilian ichthyologist who specializes in reef fish and the management and conservation of endangered species. He is currently focusing on the telemetry and bioacoustics of reef fish and using non-lethal sampling techniques on large groupers. He has held the position of Director of Projects and Articulations at COMAR institute for 11 years, developing research projects and environmental conservation actions. Since 2010, he has been administrating and coordinating information and environmental education actions and expeditions for the Meros do Brasil Project.
Meros do Brasil is an institution committed to the recovery of the Atlantic Goliath grouper on the Brazilian coast, which involves conducting studies on marine pollution, genetics, and public policy.
Guest speakers Leonardo Bueno and Márcio Lima, PhD will introduce their work with the institution as marine biologists and researchers.
Click here to see presentation**
* Date to be determined
**Presentation pending
Fun Facts
Leonardo lives on a sailboat most of the year.
Fun facts
Márcio spent time researching in the Amazon rainforest, diving in the dark water of its rivers.